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You are cordially invited to attend the 2025 Oklahoma Chapter of the American College of Cardiology Annual Scientific Meeting on Saturday, March 8, 2025. The meeting will be offered only LIVE and in person at the Nicholson Auditorium on the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Campus. Please plan to attend this session, which provides a great opportunity to earn AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM, to listen to nationally noted speakers, to network with cardiac team members from diverse communities within the state and to get to know cardiology fellows-in-training.

Click here to view the full brochure and schedule.

Cardiovascular science is constantly evolving, with both new discoveries and new therapies being published each year. This educational activity will provide the cardiovascular professional team with an update on a selected number of high-priority items identified from environmental scanning, with discussion of both the science and evidence behind current recommendations. The overall goal for this year’s conference is improvement of patient care through increasing learner competence, leading to improved performance in applying evidence-based treatment options. This is a great opportunity to bring your whole team for a day of great professional development.

The ACC is our professional association and each of you, as Oklahoma ACC members, are key components of our state Chapter. We ask that you and your colleagues attend this very important and informative meeting.

Interested in Sponsorship Opportunities? Click here to view the Exhibitor Prospectus.

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